If excessive daytime sleepiness interferes with your work, relationships, and overall health, it may be a sign of an underlying disorder. Sleep disorders that include narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome, and periodic limb movement disorder can cause fragmented sleep and micro-awakenings that make you feel sleepy during the day.
Sleepiness is different than fatigue, which causes feelings of physical exhaustion.
Get Plenty of Exercise
Getting enough exercise is essential to overall health and can help reduce excessive daytime sleepiness. “Exercise improves sleep by increasing melatonin production and decreasing the ghrelin hormone,” says Nick Pellizzari, a registered kinesiologist.
It’s normal to feel tired on occasion, but Modalert 200 you constantly feel sleepy during the day—especially when you’re sitting down or doing sedentary activities—it may be a sign of an underlying problem. Excessive daytime sleepiness can impact your productivity, relationships and everyday functioning. It’s important to see a doctor if this feeling is persistent and interferes with your daily activities.
Common causes of excessive daytime sleepiness include poor sleep habits, a lack of quality sleep and certain medical conditions. For example, sleeping disorders like insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea often lead to daytime sleepiness. So can certain medications, especially those taken for pain management or to treat anxiety and depression. A doctor can run tests and ask questions to determine the cause.
Take a Power Nap
Power naps can help you increase alertness and performance. However, they're not a replacement for getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night. In addition, napping regularly may indicate that you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, so it's important to get professional medical advice.
If you're experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness to the point that Modafinil 200 interferes with your work or school and affects relationships, consider talking to a healthcare provider. It's important to distinguish between sleepiness and fatigue, as drowsiness can be caused by many different issues.
Mental health conditions including depression and anxiety are linked to sleep problems, while neurological conditions like narcolepsy can also cause drowsiness. A physician can assess your symptoms and determine the best treatment option. In some cases, a short course of sleep medication may be prescribed to combat your excessive daytime sleepiness. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions to prevent dangerous side effects such as drowsy driving.
Set an Alarm
Whether your daytime sleepiness is the result of poor sleep habits, a medication you’re taking or an underlying condition, it’s important to recognize the problem and work with your doctor to get a diagnosis. This can help improve your quality of life, boost productivity, and prevent chronic health problems down the road.
For instance, if you have a sleep disorder that’s causing your excessive sleepiness (such as insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea or narcolepsy), treating the disorder can resolve the sleepiness and other symptoms. In addition, if you have a medication that’s causing you to feel lethargic, switching to a different one can reduce your feelings of sleepiness.
If you’re tired all the time, even after a good night’s rest, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our specialists can help diagnose your underlying condition and create an individualized treatment plan that gets you feeling rested again.
Stay Active
If you're prone to falling asleep during the day or feeling drowsy all the time, it may be a sign of an underlying sleep disorder. A thorough clinical evaluation can determine if your excessive daytime sleepiness is due to circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea, among other potential causes.
It's normal to feel tired, especially after a long night's sleep or if you have a lot on your plate at work or home. However, if you're constantly sleepy and it impacts your daily life, it might be time to see a doctor.
The right treatment method will vary depending on what's causing your excessive daytime sleepiness, but often, simple lifestyle changes can help. You can also ask your doctor about any medications you're taking, as some can cause drowsiness and fatigue. Driving while drowsy is dangerous and can lead to car accidents. Instead of trying to keep yourself awake with music or other tricks, it's best to pull over and let someone else drive if you can.